MPG Regional Cities Property Trust

The MPG Regional Cities Property Trust provides investors with regular tax-advantaged income and the potential for capital growth through an investment in a diversified portfolio of quality properties predominantly leased to government tenants. The minimum investment is only $10,000.
At a glance
7.00% pa* Forecast yield | 100% Occupancy | 11 Initial properties | 8.5 yr WALE |
82% Government tenants | 45% Target gearing | 100%* Tax-deferred from 2020 | $10,000 or more initial investment |
*Estimate only and not guaranteed to occur. Refer to the PDS for assumptions used. All figures are current as at 5 March 2019.
Features and Benefits
- Diversified portfolio predominantly leased to government tenants (82%)
- Attractive regular tax-advantaged returns
- Potential for capital growth
- Moderate gearing (45%)
- Defined exit strategy at 7 years
- Experienced manager with a proven track record
- Reduced capital volatility
- Minimum investment only $10,000
The risks are typical of those that would apply to investments in real property and in units in property trusts which are detailed in pages 39-42 of the PDS.
Target Investors
Investors seeking regular income with taxation benefits and the potential for capital growth such as self-managed super funds, private investors and retirees.
Open for investment
Enquire now
ph: 03 5338 8877
MPG Regional Cities Property Trust Flyer
Product Disclosure Statement
July 2019 Investor Update
Core Property Research Report
Government vs Non-Government Tenants

Geographical Diversification by State

Sterling Financial
Raj Muker and Daniel Radcliffe, directors of Sterling Financial, share a vision that includes bringing together a small and dynamic team with a wide range of expertise and experience that could deliver a service unequalled in regional Victoria. As a team their focus is simple: they want to stay small so they can get to know each client on a face-to-face basis, take a proactive approach to investment management and build a strong relationship of trust with each and every client.
a:12 Camp St Ballarat p:5338 8877

How to apply
Please contact Sterling Financial for information about this product 5338 8877 or
An investment in the MPG Regional Cities Property Trust (the Trust) may only proceed on an application form attached to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) dated 17 September 2018 issued by MPG Funds Management (MPG) AFSL No 227 114. This brochure is general product advice only and has been prepared without taking into account your personal circumstances, objectives, financial situation or needs. In deciding whether to invest in the Trust you should consider and read carefully the PDS and consider seeking the advice of a licensed financial adviser before making an investment decision. Your investment may be subject to investment risk. Neither MPG nor any member of the MPG Group guarantees the return on your investment, or the gain or repayment of capital. Your investment does not represent deposits or other liabilities of the MPG Group.
Sterling Financial Pty Ltd (ABN 15 608 436 657) is an Authorised Representative of Sterling Group Vic. Pty Ltd (AFSL 481 623).