The MPG Tweed Hub Trust provides investors with an opportunity to invest in a high-traffic homemaker centre, located in the growing Northern Rivers region of Tweed Heads South, NSW.
Status: Closed
Year started: 2018
Total Assets: $52.25 million
Assets: Tweed Hub
Occupancy: 100%
Brand name tenants
The centre is home to many brand name tenants including: 1st Choice Liquor, The Good Guys and 7 Eleven. Detailed on page 4.
Attractive regular tax-advantaged returns
Forecast initial yield of 6.00%* pa to be paid quarterly. Depreciation and building allowances allow a high proportion of this income to be tax-advantaged.
Potential for capital growth
Long term population growth for many of the regions augur well for future price appreciation.
Experienced manager with a proven track record
The Trustee, MPG Funds Management Ltd. has over 20 years of commercial property investment, management and development experience.
Defined exit strategy
The Trust has a defined exit strategy of seven years.
Reduced capital volatility
Australian direct property has historically experienced lower volatility than listed Australian and international shares and REITs.
Net Tangible Assets: $1.33 (30 June 2024)
Minimum investment: $100,000 with upward multiples of $50,000
Dividend reinvestment plan: No
Distributions: 6.00%* (30 June 2025)
Distribution Frequency: Quarterly in arrears
Investment Term: This trust is due to rollover in the March quarter 2025.
Liquidity: An investment in the Trust is to be considered illiquid.
WALE: 3.50 years (30 June 2024)
Gearing: 44% (30 June 2024)
Tax Deferral: 48.70% (30 June 2024)
*Forecasts are estimates only and are not guaranteed to occur. Please refer to the PDS for information relating to forecasts.